Fine and thinning hair happens to almost everyone at some time in life.
There are many underlying causes to alopecia (hair loss) Poor Circulation to the scalp, Stress, Disease or infection, Female hormone deficiancy, Anti cancer drugs, Genetic predisposition, Poor nutrition, Chemicals in cosmetics.
I recently heard about people using inversion to increase circulation and promote hair growth, downward dog position, head stands. For 15 minutes a day simply hanging your head off the edge of the bed although check with your doctor before trying this. You can also massage the scalp while is this position.
Brown rice, lentils, sunflower seeds, oats and quinoa. These all contain B vitamins and biotin needed for health hair growth.
>Hijiki seaweed. It's properties are helpful for maintaining healthy hair.
>Dark leafy vegetables and green herby leaves.
>Oily fish, nuts and seeds. These contain essential fats needed for healthy hair and follicles. aim to eat fish two to three times a week and eat two to three tablespoons of seeds daily. Be sure to include some pumpkin and flax seeds daily as these contain zinc also needed for hair growth.
>Sprinkle kelp flakes onto soups and salads. Kelp is rich in Iodine needed for thyroid function. An under-active thyroid is sometimes implicated in cases of hair loss.
Please note: It is important to find out the underlying causes behind hair loss. Testing for Thyroid function, Iron and vitamin B status and hormone levels may be useful so that these can be addressed if necessary.
> Sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol. These can raise blood sugar and insulin levels which can have a negative effect on hair follicles.
> Wheat bran, tea and coffee. These can interfere with the absorption of minerals such as iron needed for hair growth.
This is an intensive therapeutic treatment to counteract hair thinning and hair loss. This system is aromatherapy principles and biotechnology to optimize the effectiveness of natural active ingredients.
Davines created these systems to address 3 different types of hair loss,
Fine, fragile and lifeless hair.
Seasonal hair loss
Hormonal hair loss
We prescribe this upon consultation as a shock treatment for 4 weeks
or Prevention/maintenance treatment twice a week.
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